
Ain’t No Party Like An HP Party…

Michael and I traveled down to Austin, TX for the annual HP Christmas party.  This was a big deal for us because Caitlin was spending her first night away from us and staying with my parents.  I was a nervous wreck to say the least…and I may have called every two hours to check in on her. 

The hardest part was anticipating how much she would need to eat and making sure I took everything she would need for a 24 hour period.  You never know…she may not like this toy or that toy on any given day!  I was also that first time mom that typed out a three page Word document for my parents on “how to care for Caitlin”…as if they didn’t successfully raise two children on their own.  My mother graciously read the document and pretended that I wasn’t crazy.  Caitlin did great…and my parents did a wonderful job taking care of her.  My mom even did the 5 am feeding! 

Michael and I had a wonderful time at the Christmas party.  The food was good, the band was loud and the bar was “open”!  We always have fun catching up with those from other job sites in different cities and those that we don’t get to see often enough in Dallas.  Michael was a wonderful husband on Sunday and he let watch “Eclipse” on the DVD player (it had just been released the day before) while he drove.  Love you honey!


IMG_0890Tamra & Michael


IMG_0894Angela, Stephanie & Tamra


IMG_0895The coolest people at the party…

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