Post Turkey Trot
Michael tossing the football
Game of washers
Another shot of the washers game
Football game in the field
Another shot of the football game Chatting in the parking lot
Happy Thanksgiving
Post Turkey Trot
Michael tossing the football
Game of washers
Another shot of the washers game
Football game in the field
Another shot of the football game Chatting in the parking lot
Happy Thanksgiving
Birthday girl (Kiley) & Tamra
Kiley and Lacey opening our gift
Kiley helping her mom open gifts
Kiley & her Dad (Mikey)
Yummy cake!
Kiley and her special cake...she didn't know what to do with it!
Picture of all the little guests.
(Sorry Kelli, but this was just too cute not to post!)
Take 2
Girlfriends and Future Best Friends!
Shawna, Kelli, Bella, Courtney, Lacey, Kiley & Tamra
Tamra & Michael
A shot from the knees up so you can really get a look at that zoot suit!
This guy has been there a long time...
Tamra, Katie, Julie, Michelle, Kylie & Lara
Look! Obama even made it! (It's really Ian)
Hostess with the mostess & Tamra
Tamra, Katie, Amanda, Michelle & Lara